3/2-4. POLITICAL BACKGROUND: Spiritual Situation



A spiritual situation is; overall social and individual frames and factors of fixed willing process and consciousness that members of a political society possess, and in addition to the social structure.


In a spritual situation we can conceive a general outline of the process of a social phenomenon based on willing structure of individuals. For man is social being(1-6/3).



In a political phenomenon the spiritual situation of the social members is under direct influence of almost everything of human being. Important factors among them can be divided generally into categories of 'political socialization', 'political ism', 'political legacy' and 'political living conditioin'. The totality of social concreteness and individuality of political behavior that comes from complex interaction of these factors; is the 'political culture'.


(2-11) A political culture refers to a culture from the viewpoint of a part of the general culture directly related to political phenomenon, or of political phenomenon in the broad meaning. This determines in a concrete way; political attitude, sense of values, conviction and so on that members of a political society possess.


The socialization process, social ism, historical background and spirit(2-17), and actual condition of existence are respectively; 'political socialization', 'political ism', 'political legacy', and 'political living condition'.(1-9/1)


(2-3/41) The political socialization is the socialization process directly related to politics, and it refers to a process formed in the society how an individual learns political behaviors to make his owns. In the process of political socialization an individual absorbs political culture of the society, and a political culture includes the political behavior modified by him to be extend and reformed.


(2-3/411) As socialization process determines future strongly, so political socialization process determines strongly and directly the framework political phenomenon in the future. (2-3/41) Socialization is performed in steady interactions between individuals and society and social phenomenon has inertia(2-1/13), therefore political phenomenon also has inertia to appear as fixed. A socialization process determines human being in his overall parts, too(2-4/32).


(2-4/32) Characteristics of a national people is determined and doesn't change easily, for this socialization and the inertia of social phenomenon characterize them with some continuity from past people to next members. The most important factor related here is man's ability of imitation(2-3/413).


(2-3/414) As much as socialization is important in a society, so important is education regarded. The contents and direction of socialization can be changed intentionally by an institutionalized education. Its influence, however, is so small as the weight of the institutionalized education is in the overall process of socialization of a man.


Political socialization and political culture determine and restrict each other most directly and most strongly(2-3/413). Here, political socialization is more concrete and visible and has narrower sphere than political culture. Therefore, an effort to change political culture concentrates firstly upon the socialization process, particularly education.


When a political power or a value system about national(government) behavior is justified and systemized in some way to be accepted generally by most political members, there appears a political ideology(3/3-1).


(2-9) A political ideology is a social ideology.


A political ideology can begin from some private issue of a man- as is most often actually. When a value system was adopted by a man, his behavior is to be determined by it(2-9/3).


(1-6/3, 2-3/4) For all members of a society, his everything is determined by his original potentiality and social conditions. As an ideology acquires its sufficient meaning only when it is adopted by all, a specific political ideology is a product of the period(3/2-3/1). This, however, does not mean that everything of a political ideology cannot get out of restriction of the time.


As a political ideology is a product of the period, it is formed under the restriction of the historical background(2-16/1).


When man changes steadily(1-2) and society also changes dynamicaly(2-4) it is necessary that man's spiritual situation changes too(1-6/3). The important motive force of this change of spiritual situation orgines from a pollitical ideology in a phenomenon.


A political ideology is value system, so it is intentional and intentionality itself is dynamic(1-2).


A political spiritual situation is by a given political ideology; fixed, rearranged systematically and oppressed to be static while it obtains intentionality from a new political ideology to be changeable.


(2-9/132) A spiritual situation bears a new political ideology from issues on itself, and the new political ideology intends a new political situation.


(3/2-3) A political legacy is a part of historical situation immediately related to man's political spiritual situation.


A political living condition refers to an overall sum of physical, mental, socio-relational conditions in a given time that directly restrict the political activity and the whole life of an individual person.


An individual person selects specific conditions for his political avtivity, which restricts him back. The overall conditions of political life in a society, however, is not determined by an ordinary individual's selection.


The overall conditions of political life in a society is determined by; its historical background and social evolution(2-3/5), and people's interrelations that is more fixed compared to them yet with its onw change(1-2).


(1-8/2) In a condition of political life a man intends his survival most basically. In this process he strives both for steady security of economical products and for satisfaction of order conditions for survival.


As a political order is established in a normal political situation man comes to concentrate upon economical activity. When he has sufficient economical activity required for his survival and the order for his life cannot be threatened directly, his political interests reduces.