Laws for Explanation
General Social Phenomena
- Summary
: Basic laws of all social phenomena.(from Newton)
- Inertia;
Every social phenomenon goes on as far as it is not stopped
by another action
- Power: Strong
power wins weak power in every each aspect.
- Repulsion:
Every action makes opposition and resistence.
I studied and researched for long time
how to explain social phenomena with consistency, and
the basic aws of Newton in physics are also working
in the social events and states too.
I think, you can find good reason to understand
why those basic laws are applicable to social events.
Every part of social events are under the laws of physics.
So it is very natural that many aspects of social events
are also under the laws.
Let me take an example of the the law
of intertia. B. Russell pointed out that most people
votes for politicians as they have been doing so far,
and in addition, as their fathers have been doing, in
Mortals and Others.
Likewise, strong army wins weak army.
And big money wins small money in the economy, and here,
big money is stronger economically than small money.
Spiticually, more plausible(strong) idea wins inconsistent(weak)
About the law of repulsion, every social
action is try to get benefits, so somebody who loses
theirs come to resist and oppose to that action. It
is unavoidable.